How to Relieve Diabetes-Related Stress

Dealing with diabetes can be overwhelming, but there are some simple ways to alleviate the daily burdens.

1. Meditate.

Now is the time to get into the habit! There are many apps you can download to make it easy. You don’t have to meditate for hours to reap the benefits. Young adults who did 25-minute meditations for three days reported being more stable in times of stress, according to a study published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology. Meditate for at least five minutes a couple of times a day, or whenever you feel anxious or stressed.

2. Get Organized.

Put your medical information, including lab tests, doctor visit summaries, and blood glucose reports, in a folder or notebook so you have essential information readily available. Make a list of all your data for when you see your doctor. Keep your medication supplies in one place.

4. Skip the Grocery Store.

You’ll save time, of course, but that’s not the only benefit! Using a food delivery service also helps limit impulse purchases. There are plenty of online options to explore.

5. Set Up Virtual Appointments.

Online or virtual medical appointments can eliminate much of the hassle of routine visits. Many people with diabetes don’t realize how much their doctor or nutritionist can do in a virtual consultation, so don’t hesitate to continue your treatment.

6. Create a Recipe Exchange.

Invite other diabetes-friendly foodie friends for a recipe exchange. Here’s how it works: Everyone takes turns presenting a diabetes-friendly recipe that is then prepared by the rest of the group and enjoyed during a meal. Mix things up by focusing on a particular ingredient or specific cuisine. It’s a great way to socialize, stay connected with the community, and expand your recipe collection.

7. Use Vacuum Sealers.

Vacuum sealers can make fruits and vegetables last longer in your refrigerator, which means fewer trips to the grocery store.

8. Morning Walks.

One benefit of exercising in the morning is that there are usually very few people around, making it easier to practice social distancing. There are other advantages too: A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found that older adults who started their days with a morning walk improved memory and cognition compared to those who didn’t walk.

9. Take a Hot Bath Before Bed.

A review of 13 studies published in Sleep Medicine found that a 10-minute hot shower or bath taken one to two hours before bedtime helped people relax faster.

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