The Stages of Kidney Disease

What are the stages of kidney disease?

Kidney disease consists of five stages. They are indicated in the following table. It is your treating physician who determines which stage your kidney disease is in based on the presence of kidney damage and the glomerular filtration rate (GFR), which is the measurement of your kidney function level. Treatment and your nutritional dietary plan are determined based on the stage of your kidney disease. Consult with your doctor and clinical nutritionist or nutrition expert if you have any questions about your treatment or dietary plan according to the stage of kidney disease you are in.

*The GFR number tells your doctor how well your kidneys are functioning. As chronic kidney disease progresses, your GFR number decreases.

What happens if test results show that I already have kidney disease?

Further tests may be conducted to help understand what caused your kidney disease. This can assist in planning your treatment. You may also be asked to consult with a specialist. Below are examples of tests that may be performed:

  • An ultrasound or computed tomography (CT) scan to obtain an image of the kidneys and the urinary system. These images show the size of the kidneys and whether they are too large or too small. They can also reveal the presence of tumors, kidney stones, or cysts.
  • A biopsy to remove a small piece of kidney tissue for evaluation. The sample is examined under a microscope to: Determine what type of kidney damage has occurred Assess the extent of the damage
  • Early planning for timely treatment and an appropriate nutritional plan in the early stages will help limit damage or complications from accelerated kidney failure.

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